Nguyễn Văn Hoàng – Intern

Nguyễn Văn Hoàng – a young man from Hanoi, the Capital of Vietnam, is a new piece of the SOLEN family. Hoang joined SOLEN as an environmental intern.

Hoang is currently a four-year student majoring in Environmental Engineering at the School of Chemistry and Life Sciences – Hanoi University of Science and Technology. With a passion for social activities, Hoang joined the Bach Khoa Blood Team since he was a first-year student, being an active member participating in propaganda, mobilizing people to donate blood and supporting blood donation programs. In addition, Hoang is also the former Vice Captain of the Bach Khoa Blood Team with many outstanding achievements.

As an engineering student, Hoang understands the importance of gaining practical experience in addition to academic studies. Therefore, from his third-year, Hoang sought opportunities and became an important member of SOLEN.

With the knowledge cultivated at school and the spirit of eagerness to learn, Hoang is trying every day to prove his ability, contributing to creating value for SOLEN in particular and the community in general.

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