1. The concept of “fast fashion”
Fast fashion is not a fashion trend, but a form of business for fashion companies. It can be understood that these fashion brands produce cheap, trendy clothes, inspired by high-end collections on the catwalk or designed according to the dressing style of famous people.
2. The convenience that “fast fashion” brings
For buyers, perhaps the biggest convenience is price. Without spending too much money, we can own trendy clothes.
Second is the variety of designs, we can easily choose the right outfit for ourselves.
Shopping also becomes easier when fast fashion brands focus on customer convenience.
3. Negative effects of fast fashion on the environment
Due to pressure to reduce costs and speed up production times, manufacturers sacrifice the environment: They use cheap dyes and chemicals that seriously pollute water sources.
Using cheap raw materials causes serious impacts: Using synthetic fibers (polyester), or natural fibers such as cotton, linen, wool, and felt,… all go through the production process with many complex steps, requiring many complex reactions and consuming large amounts of pesticides.
Consumer consumption culture: After a few months, consumers will get bored with fast fashion products and throw them away. This creates a huge volume of clothing waste.
Unpredictable harmful effects of polyester: Synthetic fiber (polyester) is the most popular fabric in the world. This fabric is separated into microfiber fragments after washing in a family washing machine. ) easily passes through water pipes and wastewater treatment systems to discharge into rivers and seas. As a result, the amount of plastic in seawater is increasing, and marine animals will accidentally ingest it. Finally, along the food chain, after fishing, humans will ingest that chemical debris.
4. Decomposition time of clothing waste
- Rubber (boots, bags, accessories): 50-80 years
- Leather fabric: 50 years
- Nylon, polyester fabric: 30-40 years
- Wool fabric: 1-5 years.
- Cotton fabric: 2-8 months
5. Mitigation measures
- Shop less, only buy when you feel necessary.
- Be smart consumers, choose carefully, and research fabrics carefully before buying them.
- Learn how to preserve and preserve for long-term use.
- Take advantage of old clothes for recycling.
- Enact a law prohibiting brands and manufacturers from destroying inventory products.
- https://summerdays.com.vn/fast-fashion-dang-huy-hoai-moi-truong-nhu-nao/
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