To help people better understand the program, we have listed frequently asked questions and answers. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email:

Image 1: Picture of STT-Migas (Indonesia) (Source: Apindokaltim)
Who are eligible to apply for this research?
Students at their last year of studying or in preparation for their thesis or dissertation and junior researcher with part time or full-time commitment.
Is it required for the applicants to have a certificate of English proficiency?
No. The English proficiency will be examined through a technical interview by research panel.
How long is the duration of the research work and how to schedule the work?
The research work is expected to be completed by August 2023 with the field work to be completed by May of 2023.
Can the applicants proposed their own research topic for?
Yes, they can but the priority will be given to research topic recommended by program organizer.
Is there any specific research area designed for the recommended research topic?
The research area for the year of 2022-2023 will be in Indonesia.
What are the financial support packages for the successful applicants?
There are three financial packages that will be offered to the successful applicants: 100%; 65% and 35% coverage of the total expenses including transportation, accommodation and other allowances.
How many members in a research group are accepted for doing the field work?
One member is acceptable with financial support, other may go together with their budget.
Is it required to publish the research after completion?
No, the publication of the research report/work will be subject to further agreement among researcher and research panel.

Image 2: Picture of Balikpapan City (Indonesia) (Source: Wikipedia)
Remember, the deadline for application is December 15th, 2022. Hurry up and Register for the program now!