1. Concept of forest Forest (According to the Forestry Law 2017) is an ecosystem including
1. The concept of “Water Footprint” “Water footprint” is an indicator of both direct and
1. What is “Urban Heat Island”? “Urban heat island” is defined as a phenomenon in
Wind, solar, biomass, hydroelectricity,… are renewable energies. Or to be more precise, they are a
Image source: https://btnmt.1cdn.vn/2022/02/11/121.jpg 1. Hydrological aspects A coastal aquifer is surrounded at least from one
1. The concept of “instant” fashion Instant fashion is not a fashion trend, but a
I. Introduction Carbon credits are an instrument that represents ownership of one ton of Carbon
Hazardous waste is an environmental term that is not too familiar to everyone. Even though
What is the El Nino phenomenon? “El Nino” (meaning child of God in Spanish, also
What is the El Nino phenomenon? “El Nino” (meaning child of God in Spanish,