Plastic recycling craft village
Plastic recycling craft village
A proposal of SOLEN to reduce ONMT for plastic recycling craft village
A traditional craft village is a cluster of people living with working and working conditions closely linked to daily life. Production units in craft villages are household, small and spontaneous; along with the use of manual equipment, simple production technology, limited production space, low efficiency in using raw materials/fuel, and poor awareness of people about environmental protection in production. ; leading to enormous pressure on the environment. Emissions, wastewater and solid waste are worrying concerns of craft villages in general and plastic recycling craft villages in particular. These waste components are often directly discharged into the environment even though they have not been treated to meet discharge standards; This has caused the quality of air, surface water and soil in the surrounding environment to decrease markedly even if only observed with the naked eye.
In order to reduce the pollution caused by plastic recycling craft villages, SOLEN Environmental Solutions Joint Stock Company proposes to implement the project: ” Innovative plastic recycling craft village – Pilot in Minh craft village” Khai, Van Lam, Hung Yen, Vietnam ”
Although there have been many measures to improve the environment such as building an industrial cluster of Minh Khai craft village, relocating recycling households to this industrial cluster, etc., these measures are still not practical. According to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Hung Yen province, current plastic production and recycling activities in Minh Khai craft village take place continuously, with a volume of about 600-650 tons/day. Main products produced here include: plastic pipes, plastic bags, plastic beads, thin films, nets, cups, boxes… Solid waste generated during the process of scrap collection and recycling is up to 60 to 65 tons/day but not collected and treated according to regulations, but gathered in vacant land, along both sides of traffic roads; generated wastewater including domestic wastewater, production wastewater during the process of washing raw materials, grinding and plastic granulation are not collected,3 /day and night; The amount of solid waste generated backlog in craft villages is about 30,000 tons (According to Environment magazine – Agency of the General Department of Environment, 2018). Therefore, the pollution situation has not been improved; The accumulation of solid waste in craft villages is increasing day by day, threatening people’s lives.
Therefore, this will be a suitable location to be a pilot for this proposed project, and a model for other plastic recycling craft villages in the Northern provinces in particular and Vietnam in particular. shared. The project hopes to bring about the right awareness and understanding of the dangers of plastic recycling to health as well as the surrounding environment. From there, give practical solutions to minimize the above harmful effects and bring benefits to the people through the design of craft villages to concentrate waste sources, promote the circulation and reuse of waste in the industry. production segment. In addition, the project will work closely with local authorities to help manage and have practical policies and solutions in this pollution reduction problem.
Recomended overview

Aim towards the goal
SOLEN’s proposed solution not only contributes to solving the serious environmental pollution problem in the area of Minh Khai plastic recycling craft village in particular and the northern plastic recycling craft villages in general, but also a solution to the problem. solutions towards sustainable long-term goals in solving the problem of pollution from human production activities, which are:
- Concentrating waste sources and aiming to recycle and reuse resources.
- Technical equipment ensures the most optimal for the production process.
From there, modernize the production process in an optimally simple way while still retaining the characteristics of the craft village to ensure the living needs of the people, and at the same time improve the environmental quality of the craft village as well as the surrounding area. .