From community – whoever you are
Share your opinion and experiences
What I do
Living is far more comfortable these days thanks to the advancement in our society including technologies and capable resources. ASEAN have recorded a remarkable human and sustainable development progress, lifting millions of lives out of poverty and improving access to education and health. Aside from the challenges post global pandemic event, growth in the region is expected to continue in the coming years. This leaves us with the fundamental question about the state of our environment.

How do you feel about your surrounding resources?

How much efforts for you have to deal with the environmental issues?

How do you feel about the quality of soil, water, and air within your area?

what could we do here or contribute to our better environment?
Our work
Project development has reached distant or remote areas for the sake of socio-economic improvement. Various activities have taken place from natural resource extraction, altercation or modification of the original environment, as well as creation of new or artificial environments related to this project development. Most of the time, it’s rather too late to implement proper mitigation efforts after the impacts are obviously experienced by living entities and communities within and nearby the project area. It is perhaps a complex situation where the project development cycle is influenced by multiple stakeholders from the preparation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, closure, and post-closure phase. So, what could we do here or contribute to our better environment? Please feel free to share your opinion and experiences related to environmental issues or challenges and SOLEN is happy to interact with you for knowledge sharing, capacity building, or expert consultation about it.